Annual Meeting Update for 2023
The annual membership meeting took place on November 15th, 2023 at Little Run Elementary School and an online attendance option was provided. During the meeting, the board members provided an overview of the pool’s operations from October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023. This included updates on significant maintenance and capital improvements, such as the replacement of the pool’s white coat and coping stones, as well as other necessary repairs. These improvements were primarily funded through a loan. The meeting also covered topics such as operations, social events, fundraising efforts, the swim and dive teams, membership, and finances, including details about the loan terms.
Following the presentation and discussion of the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year starting on October 1, 2023, the members approved the budget as presented.
This year’s election process was unusual, with seven board positions up for election. The normal five board positions, including Vice President, Treasurer, Director of Facilities Operations, Director of Business Operations, and Director of Aquatics, were up for a two-year term. Additionally, two positions, the President and the Director of Membership, were up for a one-year term. The Director of Membership position had been left unfilled from the previous annual meeting.
The Nominating Committee reviewed the process it followed to identify the recommended candidates for each of the open board positions. After discussion, the members approved the individuals recommended by the Nominating Committee. As a result, the current pool board consists of the following members, with the number of years remaining in their respective terms:
- President: Jim McLaughlin (1 year)
- Treasurer: Carl Santillo (2 years)
- Director-Membership: Liz Guanieri (1 year)
- Director-Facility Ops: Mike Garafalo (2 years)
- Director-Aquatics: Rebecca Arguello (1 year)
- Vice President: Andy Detor (2 years)
- Secretary: Saundra Honeysett (1 year)
- Director-Bus Ops: Greg Ordun (2 years)
- Director-Social: Cameron Childs (1 year)