Prove you are RFD’s best by joining the next RFD 2024 Cornhole Tournament!
August 24th
1:00 PM
Tournament Details
Entry Fee: $10 per team
Prizes: 50% of the entry fees go to the pool; 50% to snack shack gift cards
Team Composition: Individuals can only play on one team
Format: Group play followed by a single elimination tournament
Games: Each team will play 3 or 4 times (depending on the number of teams registered)
Advancement: Top 8 teams make the single elimination tournament
Tie Breakers for Top 8:
Point differential
Head to head record
Single round toss off
Each team picks one member
Both members throw all 4 bags
Highest score advances
Continue until one team wins
Game Rules:
Play to 21 straight up (no win by 2)
4 bags per team with alternating turns
Boards are 27 feet apart (front edge to front edge)
Bags that hit the ground first do not count and are removed from the board before the next throw
Teams that score in a round go first in the next round
The team going first in the group stage will be predetermined
Higher-ranking teams in single elimination will go first (e.g., 8th seed throws first against the 1st seed)
We hope to see you there for a day filled with fun, competition, and community spirit!